Sunday, May 11, 2008

Facebook and MySpace Suck--A Rant

I often wonder if parents today actually realize what their kids are doing on the internet. You can buy all the web control software you want, but if you allow your children to get on facebook and myspace you obviously don't like privacy.

The last two years, I have spent a lot of student conferences trying to prevent fights due to what someone supposedly said on myspace or facebook. I just love when dear ole mom and dad show up wanting me to police the internet.


I have also attended legal seminars, which outline the scope of a schools authority to discipline based on these websites.

Which brings me to this one:

Luckily, I formerly worked with a mother who has access to her daughter's facebook account. I am sad to say that we were almost voyueristic in watching pictures go up of weekend festivities. I mean you see them walk the halls, but do you really know them?

Wow! There is the captain of the basketball team doing a keg stand. (No wonder we suck)

That cheerleader sure is a good funneler.

Look at Miss Prim an proper puking on an ant bed. Her parents must be so proud.

It makes me want to scream 2 things: 1. Do your parents know about this? (yes, most of the time) and 2. Why did you let someone take your picture? (stupidity)

One day I called in a very popular cheerleader to my office. I told her that we needed to discuss something on her facebook page.

She retorted, "I don't think that is any of your business."

I asked, "Do your parents know about those pictures?"

"Sure they do. Now that I am 18 they let me do what I want. I don't think you have any right to control what pictures I put up on my facebook. "

(Parenting tip of the day and note to self: Cut them loose at 18; got to remember that one)

I said, "Look! I don't care what you do on the weekend, but when the picture has the school and its logo in the background. I can get involved. You have until tomorrow morning to take my school off facebook or you are suspended. Have a nice day!"

Maybe facebook and myspace don't suck. Parents do!


Anonymous said...

Too true, my brotha.

Good work with calling in the school image argument. Is your mascot copyrighted? Cuz you could really use that for ammo if it was!

"Tater" got mad cuz I called him out for what he wrote on his Myspace: "I sleep through all my classes, but I'm still passing." He told me "Miss! You can't be lookin' at people's myspace!" I said, "Yessirreee, I sure can. It's out there on the world wide deal with it. And deal with this - you're moving to the front so I can keep you awake." HA!

My seniors are starting to figure out that they may not want "their business" out there for college admissions folks and future bosses to see. Of course, this is after they've used it to arrange parties and cetera.


Ann aka ButDoctorIHatePink said...

We just had a huge fight on a park near our school with our kids - arranged on MySpace and filmed for YouTube. We got wind of it (because they started the verbal fight in school) had the safe schools officer in to give the kids a lecture and tell them not to fight or they'd be arrested.

They did it anyway. Two kids came to school the next morning black and blue. Because it happened off-campus, there isn't a lot that can be done internally but the VP has informed the sheriff and we have the video one of the kids took, so hopefully that kid will be arrested as promised.

MySpace causes more problems in schools than people know.

Anonymous said...

I agree. DOWN WITH YOU TUBE AND MY SPACE/FACEBOOK! I have a 13 year old and he hates it because I get on there everyday and check it. I'll ask him "who's so and so?" and what's all this? He's not allowed to delete until I read them. MySpace is a cesspool (did I spell that right?)